2010 - 2019
P.Papadopoulos: Cataract 2011, Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol. V, Issue I, Dec 2010
P.Papadopoulos: The Effect of Glistenings of the Hydrophobic IOLs on the Quality of Vision, Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol. VI, Issue 2, Mar 2012
P.Papadopoulos: Calculation of IOL power in cases with Previous Refractive Surgery, Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol. VII, Issue 2, Mar 2013
P.Papadopoulos, K.Samaras: Quadruple Surgery for the Reconstruction of the Anterior Segment. Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol. VII, Issue 3, Jun 2013
Current Management of Presbyopia: Paper in (Peer-reviewed) Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology, Volume 21, Number 1, January 2014
Papadopoulos P.A: Verion Image Guided System: A New Tool in Cataract Surgery.
Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol. IX, Issue 2, Mar 2015
Alternative and Supplementary Techniques to Phacoemulsification. Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol 11, Issue 1 December 2016
EDOF Extended Depth of Focus IOLs; Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Issue: December 2018
2000 - 2009
Papadopoulos P.A: Refractive Cataract Surgery p. 511-525, Chapter 47 in: Refractive Surgery , Agarwal A, 1999 Jaypee Medical Publishers, Slack Inc
Papadopoulos P.A.: How to Avoid Biometric Errors, Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol. I, Issue 1, January 2000
Papadopoulos P.A.: Digital Journal of Ophthalmology, Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol. I, Issue 1, January 2000
Papadopoulos P.A.: Ophthalmic journals on Internet, Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol. I, Issue 1, January 2000
Papadopoulos P.A.: Phacosclerectomy Step-by-step: Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol. I, Issue 2, April 2000
Papadopoulos P.A, Katsavavakis D. Kotsiras I: Refractive Cataract Surgery, Ophthalmologia, Vol. 12 , Issue 1, April 2000
Papadopoulos P.A.: Thermokeratoplasty: The New Chapter in Refractive Surgery, Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol. I, Issue 4, January 2001
Papadopoulos P.A.: The Accommodative IOLs, Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol. II, Issue 6, December 2002
Papadopoulos P.A.: Phakosclerectomy for the Combined Management of Cataract and Open Angle Glaucoma. Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Dr. med. An de Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig, June 2002
Papadopoulos P.A: Foreword in Clinical Practice in Small Incision Cataract Surgery., A.Garg, Jaypee Brothers Medical publishers, 2004
Papadopoulos P.A: Phakosclerectomy: A Non-Penetrating Filtering Procedure for the Combined Management of Cataract and Glaucoma p.248-260 in Advances in Ophthalmology 2, A. Garg, Jaypee Brothers Medical publishers, 2005
P.Papadopoulos: Refractive Microincision Cataract Surgery p. 458-467 in Mastering the Art of Bimanual Microincision Phaco, A. Garg, Jaypee Brothers Medical publishers, 2005
Papadopoulos P.A: Refractive Cataract Surgery p. 151-162, Chapter 12 in: Phaco Nightmares , Agarwal A, 2006 Slack Inc20.P.Papadopoulos: Toric IOLs Ophthalmic Surgical Notes, Vol. II, Issue 3, June 2008
1997 - 1999
Papadopoulos P.A, Ophthalmology On Internet, Proceedings of the 30th Panhellenic Ophthalmological Congress, Athens, June 1997
Papadopoulos P.A.: "What is the ideal small incision lens?" participation at the panel of experts, Ocular Surgery News, Vol. 15, No.13, July 1 issue, 1997
Papadopoulos P.A.: " For routine cataract Surgery, what are your current settings for phaco power, aspiration and vacuum?", Participation at the panel of experts, Ocular Surgery News, January 1998 issue.
Papadopoulos P.A.: "Which Cataract Incision has the most benefits for the patients?": Participation at the panel of experts, Ocular Surgery News, April 1998 issue
Georgaras Sp. , Tsingos V. , Papadopoulos P.A.: Management of the Pre- and Post-operative Astigmatism in the Cataract Patient, Proceeding of the 31st Panhellenic Ophthalmological Congress, Chalkidiki, May 1998
Papadopoulos P.A.: Phacosclerectomy, Ocular Surgery News, 16:24 p12-15 December 15,1998
Papadopoulos P.A: Refractive Cataract Surgery p. 511-525, Chapter 47 in: Refractive Surgery , Agarwal A, 1999 Jaypee Medical Publishers, Slack